Any fair-minded person who has read the entire Wells Report knows the NFL’s punishment of Tom Brady and the New England Patriots was draconian. Anyone who believes otherwise is either biased or just doesn’t have time to read an entire 243-page report on deflated footballs.
And that’s just the way Roger Goodell and the NFL want it.
That’s the take of former Patriots linebacker Matt Chatham, who flatly states “The NFL Thinks You’re Stupid” in his latest column on Chatham read the Wells Report and the statement released by Goodell and NFL executive vice president Troy Vincent, and let’s just say Chatham came away unimpressed.
“If manipulating fan indifference were the only thing at play here, Roger Goodell’s NFL wouldn’t be nearly as nefarious as it truly is,” Chatham writes. “The real problem is illustrated in the clear disrespect Roger Goodell’s league has for the intelligence of the American fan, seen this time in the statement released by the league late (Monday) outlining their rationale for punishing the Patriots.”
Instead of giving tangible proof as part of its explanation, Chatham notes, Goodell and Vincent play buzzword Mad Libs. It’s very convincing to anyone who hasn’t actually been paying attention.
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