BYU’s Nick Emery Slugs Utah Basketball Player, Stares Him Down (Video)

Maybe Nick Emery is a long-lost cousin of Ray Emery? They seem to have similar thoughts on fighting fair — or not.

Not a lot of people watched Brigham Young take on rival Utah on Wednesday night, owing to the game being broadcast on the Pac-12 Network, which roughly 11 televisions East of the Rocky Mountains receive. But the game was getting plenty of attention Thursday, thanks to Emery.

Emery, a freshman guard for the Cougars, hauled back and decked Utes guard Brandon Taylor late in Utah’s 83-75 win. He didn’t exactly try to hide the move, either, as he stared down a crumpled Taylor before jogging back up the floor.

There’s a narrative making the rounds on Twitter that Emery was upset about what he considered a cheap shot earlier in the game, although if that’s the case, video of that hasn’t been as widespread as Emery’s swing. Regardless, such a blatant punch is guaranteed to earn the puncher in question an ejection, and it remains to be seen if a suspension is forthcoming for Emery.

H/t The Big Lead