Darryl Strawberry Claims He Had Sex Between Innings During MLB Games

To say Darryl Strawberry’s mind used to wander during Major League Baseball games would be an understatement.

Strawberry, whose true potential went untapped because of his hard-partying lifestyle, revealed Thursday morning on SiriusXM’s Mad Dog Radio that he had sex between innings.

“Let’s just leave it at that,” Strawberry said after dropping the bomb. “Been there, done that.”

“It worked out well just how crazy it was,” he added. “It kind of worked out that way. You point out (a woman) and tell the kid (to go get her).”

It’s common knowledge that Strawberry did some crazy things during his playing days, which stretched from 1983 to 1999. He admitted during Thursday’s interview to drinking in the clubhouse and smoking in the dugout, and even left open the possibility that him and former New York Mets teammate Dwight Gooden had sex with the same woman at the same time.

But having a clubhouse attendant go grab a woman in the middle of a big league game for you to have sex with is next-level stuff. No wonder he never reached his full potential despite a career that included four World Series titles — one with the Mets and three with the New York Yankees.

He was too busy screwing around.

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