Hot Mic Catches F1 Driver Sebastian Vettel Call Reporter ‘Pessimistic’

Given that Formula One drivers are constantly under scrutiny from media outlets around the world, they’re usually pretty careful about what they say. But even the most media-savvy athletes occasionally slip up.

Sebastian Vettel proved that Thursday, when he committed a public relations faux pas in Malaysia. During the drivers press conference, the Scuderia Ferrari driver whispered a disparaging comment to Max Verstappen about a member of the Dutch media that was picked up by a hot microphone.

Vettel’s remark came after the reporter asked Verstappen whether he no longer has high-hopes for Sunday’s race, “because of all the frustration” from his first-lap crash with Vettel and Kimi Raikkonen in Singapore.

“The Dutch are even worse than the Germans,” the four-time world champion said. “I thought the Germans were pessimistic.”

It’s frankly a bit odd that Vettel, now in his 10th season as a full-time F1 pilot, would make his quip loud enough for anybody but Verstappen to hear it. Although F1 drivers use earset mics during press conferences, it’s fairly common for them to joke with their colleagues while speaking quietly so their conversations aren’t broadcast to the world.

Thumbnail photo via Red Bull Racing

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