Aaron Hernandez’s Lawyer Writing Tell-All Book, Promises ‘Shocking Revelations’

The Aaron Hernandez saga will get another chapter Aug. 21.

Jose Baez, the attorney for the former New England Patriots tight end, is writing a book titled “Unnecessary Roughness: The Life and Death of Aaron Hernandez,” according to a release obtained by the Associated Press.

Hernandez’s fiancee, Shayanna Jenkins, will write the forward for the book.

The book, which will be released Aug. 21, promises “shocking revelations,” and will be the “definitive, insider” story, according to the release from Hachette Books.

Hernandez committed suicide April 19, 2017, while serving life in prison for a 2013 murder.

The 27-year-old’s brain was donated to the Boston University CTE Center. Researchers found that Hernandez’s suffered from the most severe CTE ever found in a person that young.