Why Mark Teixeira Wasn’t Surprised By Robinson Cano’s PED Suspension

It sounds like Mark Teixeira might know where the bodies are buried.

No, not literally.

Teixeira’s former teammate and current Seattle Mariners second baseman Robinson Cano was suspended for 80 games Tuesday for use of the diuretic Furosemide, which is commonly used to mask PED use.

Teixeira and Cano played together for the New York Yankees from 2009 to 2013, but the World Series champion wasn’t caught off guard when news of the suspension broke, noting Cano’s connection to the 2013 Biogenesis scandal put the writing on the wall.

“Robbie Cano’s assistant was on the list for Biogenesis,” Teixeira said on “The Michael Kay Show,” via NJ.com. “Of course he had his assistant buy stuff for him. Alex Rodriguez got popped by Biogenesis and Melky (Cabrera) got popped. They’re his best friends. When someone gets lumped into that group, it’s because there’s evidence, there’s a paper trail, there’s a smoke trail.”

While Teixeira wasn’t surprised, he didn’t feel like burying his former teammate.

“I really don’t want to get into too much detail. I love Robbie. But, yeah, I’m just not surprised. I don’t really want to go too much further. But I think a lot of people are kind of saying the same thing.”

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Cano currently is on the disabled list with a broken hand and will be ineligible for both the All-Star Game and the playoffs if the Mariners qualify.