Rex Ryan Masterfully Trolls Baker Mayfield, Prolongs Feud With Browns QB

You can say what you want about Rex Ryan as a coach and television analyst. But when it comes to trolling, he’s right up there with the best of them.

Ryan recently made waves by unabashedly claiming Baker Mayfield was “overrated as hell.” The Cleveland quarterback’s retort did contain a subtle jab at the former Bills and Jets coach, but he largely brushed off Ryan’s remarks because, in Mayfield’s mind, “if you don’t wear orange and brown, you don’t matter.”

Well, Ryan heard the second-year signal-caller loud and clear. ESPN opened their “Sunday NFL Countdown” broadcast with a shot of Ryan who, in a top-notch troll effort, was donning a brown suit with an orange tie.

You can check out a photo of Ryan’s clever attire here.

Bravo, Rex.