Richard Sherman Hopes California’s Fair Pay To Play Act ‘Destroys’ NCAA

California congress took a revolutionary step on Monday as Governor Gavin Newsom signed the Fair Pay To Play Act into law. The legislation allows college athletes to make a profit off of their likeness and is the first of its kind.

Student athletes now may seek compensation for use of their names, images and likenesses. It also gives college athletes the right to hire agents and other representatives to assist them in negotiating and securing commercial opportunities.

It’s a giant step, and it has divided some college fans — and Tim Tebow. But the overwhelming majority of athletes are in favor of the law and San Francisco 49ers corner Richard Sherman is particularly happy to see the NCAA squirm over the legislation.

“I hope it destroys the NCAA in general because I think it’s corrupt and it’s a bunch of people taking advantage of kids, and doing it under a mask of ‘fair play,'” Sherman said, via The Mercury News. “… Even the things they’re suspending these kids for is ridiculous.”

It’s hard to see foul in college athletes having the rights to their own likeness and being able to do with it what they please. And time will tell if other states join California in passing such laws to protect college athletes.

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