Fallen Tree At Masters Sparks Hilarious Twitter Response

Yes, a literal tree fell

The 2023 edition of the Masters is quickly turning into a nightmare for the world’s most famous golf tournament.

The folks over at Augusta National were already dealing with the possibility of mucky weather entering the tournament, but an uprooted tree falling in the middle of play Friday turned a bad thing worse for a tournament who famously loves to control everything it can.

Yes, a literal tree fell during the Masters.

You can find video of the tree coming down here:

Augusta National quickly suspended play soon thereafter, citing inclement weather for the second suspension of the day. There weren’t a ton of golf fans who bought that, however, quickly calling out the tournament and making jokes regarding the absurdity of the situation.

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Sports Illustrated reported that there were a total of three trees to go down at the 17th hole, with no one getting injured.