Before Andy Pettitte got involved, the Roger Clemens PED scandal could have been characterized as nothing more than a war of words between Brian McNamee and Clemens.
Pettitte — a former close friend of Clemens' — supported McNamee's claims in sworn testimony, an act which allowed Congress to pursue their investigation, says former Congressman Tom Davis of Virginia.
"If it was just Roger versus [Brian] McNamee, it's a different matchup," he said, reports ESPN. "Without Pettitte, neither McNamee nor Clemens was that articulate or credible."
Davis, the man Clemens' attorney Rusty Hardin called "a son of a bitch," praised Pettitte for his honesty under difficult circumstances.
"Andy Pettitte didn't want to testify against his friend," Davis said. "But when he raised his right hand, he told the truth. It would've been different without him. Roger was a great pitcher who's done a lot for the community, and McNamee's had other issues."
Hardin and Clemens have continued to lash out at Davis maintaining Clemens' innocence.
Pettitte, who's in the midst of a career year, is on the DL and will likely not return until September.