Tom Brady, Jason Pierre-Paul Likely to Have Great Impact on Top Super Bowl XLVI Team Prop Bets

The Super Bowl means a lot of things to a lot of people, but there are few people who will have more on the line on Sunday than gamblers.

They'll partake in a variety of prop bets on players, teams and even on some "party" prop bets that have to do with things off of the field.

Yet summing up prop bets as just something to gamble on doesn't really tell the whole story. Team prop bets also serve to help tell the story of the upcoming game and what can be expected on the field. For instance, it shouldn't come as a surprise that the over/under for Giants sacks is larger than that of the Patriots. The odds also say that there's a much better chance that Tom Brady and the Patriots offense will score their first touchdown through the air than on the ground. 

Be sure to visit Bovada on Facebook for a chance to win an iPad and follow Bovada on Twitter for live prop results during Super Bowl XLVI.

Click here to see the top 10 team prop bets for Super Bowl XLVI >>