Las Vegas Raiders: Navigating the Tides of Rest Disparities in 2023

The upcoming 2023 NFL season presents unique challenges and opportunities for the Las Vegas Raiders, particularly in the area of rest disparity.

A Historic Schedule for the Raiders

What stands out in their schedule is the staggering number of games against teams coming off of Monday Night Football. In their slate of 17 games, the Raiders will face six opponents in this scenario.

This is a notable statistic considering that teams finishing a Monday night game often don’t get home until the early hours of Tuesday. This gives them a shorter week to prepare for their next game. This scheduling quirk is something we haven’t seen in 35 years of NFL research – no other team has had the opportunity to play against six opponents coming off a Monday night in one season.

The Double-Edged Sword of Rest Disparities

However, this doesn’t necessarily mean the Raiders are sitting pretty. Despite their six games against teams coming off of MNF, they find themselves at a rest disadvantage overall. This is because they are scheduled to play several other games where they’re at a net rest disadvantage.

As a result, their total number of rest days for the season is in the negative. Essentially, while they get to play against six opponents coming off of a Monday night, they also find themselves on the negative side of the ledger in terms of rest.

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The Impact on Season Win Totals

The Raiders’ season win total currently stands at 6.5, -134 to the over and +108 to the under. This number becomes more significant when considered alongside their rest disparity. Facing six opponents coming off Monday Night Football while contending with an overall rest disadvantage makes their path to exceeding this win total an uphill task.

However, the impact of this rest disparity is difficult to predict. Yes, they’ll face six teams on a short week, but they also grapple with their own rest disadvantage.

A Season of Unprecedented Challenges

The 2023 season for the Las Vegas Raiders promises to be one of unprecedented challenges. Their unique schedule, characterized by both opportunities and obstacles, makes them a team to watch closely. While their rest disparity might be a hurdle, their ability to exploit opponents’ short preparation time might give them the edge they need to excel.

Whether these scheduling idiosyncrasies lead to success or struggles, one thing’s for sure: it’s going to be an intriguing season for Las Vegas.

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