LeBron James Uses Star Power to Give Back During ‘Decision’

Is it safe to say the “Summer of LeBron” has come to a close?

Likely not, considering all the talk still buzzing around the newest member of the Miami Heat.

Granted, I work for a sports network, but I don’t believe for a second that our office was the only one echoing with strains of King James’ prime-time decision. Ridiculous, worthwhile, staged, glued to the television, preposterous … I’ve heard it called all of the above and more. “LeBron’s own version of national signing day” was also used to label Thursday night’s frenzied event. And, of course, the following question was posed: “Is Miami a shoo-in to win the championship?” Now there’s a debate that will rage for months.

Miami’s gain is, as we have all seen the images by now, Cleveland’s loss. Burning the jersey is a little much. This is sports — not oppression — so please put the matches away.

Look, James was going to win anywhere he went — financially speaking, that is. When it comes to rings, those victories will only be determined in the months and years to come. But Thursday night’s news conference had another winner: the kids.

The Boys and Girls Club of America reportedly gained $2.5 million dollars during “The Decision.” The University of Phoenix joined forces with James to provide scholarships to students trying to improve their lives. Were those announcements at the very end of the night’s carefully orchestrated events? Yes. Do I hope people were still listening to hear it? Yes, again.  

I have never met LeBron James, but I hope the charitable work he began and developed in Ohio continues there. I also hope it is work he will bring with him to Florida. And I very much hope that it is not just money but time that James gives.

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If you have ever seen a child’s face when he or she walks onto the court, the sideline or the diamond for the first time, you know what I am speaking of. If you have seen the impact a so-called superstar’s words and interaction can have, you understand further. Athletes, blessed by the way in which they make a living, are also blessed with the ability to give so much to future generations.

For as much business that was conducted during that hour-long, prime-time special, James strikes me as one who works to give back. I hope I am right. And I very much hope that giving keeps going.