It has been four years since Barry Bonds last played in a major league game, but the controversial slugger has remained a fixture in baseball headlines due to his ongoing BALCO case and subsequent perjury charges.
Despite holding the game's record for both single-season and career home runs, Bonds is loathed by many baseball fans for his connection to performance-enhancing drugs and his cantankerous attitude.
So what is Bonds to do when confronted by haters? How about get a little help from the guy who played A.C. Slater?
The controversial longball king is set to appear on the upcoming CW reality show H8R hosted by TV personality and longtime friend Mario Lopez. In the show, Bonds will watch tape of a fan who despises him as the fan voices his negative opinion of the former All-Star, then will have the chance to confront his H8R face-to-face and try and convince the person he isn't a bad person.
Lopez is credited with convincing his pal Bonds to do the show.
"They were having dinner one night, and Mario told [Bonds] about the show," said H8R creator Lisa Gregorisch-Dempsey. "Barry was really into it; he started coming up with ideas right away."
The show features other episodes with celebrities such as Nicole Polizzi, a.k.a "Snooki" from MTV's Jersey Shore, Kim Kardashian and Eva Longoria. Other athletes expected to tape their own episodes include Ron Artest, Charles Barkley, Terrell Owens and The Miz from WWE.
Earlier encounters with H8R's have been mixed with some, such as Snooki, successful at turning their hater around and others unable to resolve differences.
"The ‘H8R’s don’t back down, and some are definitely not persuaded," said Jeremy Spiegel, an executive producer for the show.
Hey, if Snooki can be successful at this, Bonds should at least stand a chance.
Photo of the day
Don't sweat it, Barry. H8Rs gonna hate.
Quote of the day
"Man, I'm telling you man, they came out, they'd turn around huddle, snap, oh, 'There's the Mike, Go!' I was like, 'Dang! Um, Mr. Brady, can we line up?' He didn't care. He was like, 'You're not going to line up.' When we turned around one time I checked back around and my hand was going to the grass and they were like, 'Hut!' And I said, 'Noooooooooooo!'"
— Buccaneers defensive tackle Gerald McCoy on the Patriots' offensive tempo from Thursday night's blowout.
Tweet of the day
Bring back the chicken hats, but leave the praying mantis in Kansas City.
Video of the day
Something tells me this player won't be getting the green light to steal the next time he's on base.