Tim Tebow is not the only one hurting on Sunday. Two South Carolina high school students got the worst of it by imitating the pose that the Broncos' quarterback has become famous for in Denver.
The two high school students were fans of the winning basketball team, Wando High School, who beat its rival West Ashley High, by 20 points. Most of the fans of Wando High School got in on the Tebowing and did not face any consequences.
Two fans were punched and kicked repeatedly, however, and one teen was hit so much in the stomach that he vomited in the parking lot afterwards, The Post and Courier reports.
"They were scared for their lives," said Lara Isaac, one of the victim's mothers. "No one was manning the exits to make sure this wouldn't happen. The kids who did this apparently knew that."
Security reportedly will be on the lookout in their next matchup on Jan. 27, which will be at Wando's campus.