ESPN Suspends Anchor Max Breto, Fires Website Employee Due to Offensive Jeremy Lin Puns


Feb 19, 2012

ESPN has handed down punishments for two of its employees after two separate incidents of offensive Jeremy Lin-related puns, and it cost one of them his or her job.

ESPNEWS anchor Max Breto has been suspended for 30 days and an unnamed headline writer for was fired after using the phrase, "Chink in the armor" to reference Lin's poor play.

"We again apologize," ESPN said in a statement, "especially to Mr. Lin. His accomplishments are a source of great pride to the Asian-American community, including the Asian-American employees at ESPN."

Bretos has also since apologized for his slip of the tongue, tweeting that, "I have learned from this [and] will make every effort to avoid something similar happening again."

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