The Fray Tries to Ruin National Championship With Awful Version of National Anthem (Video)


Apr 3, 2012

One of the first songs musicians learn to play is the national anthem. Therefore, one would assume that by the time musicians make it big time, they’d have it down pat.

Then, of course, musical acts like The Fray come along, murder the anthem and send Francis Scott Key for a good spin in his grave.

When it comes to the national anthem, there should be one rule and only one rule: Just sing the freaking song the way it was meant to be sung.

The Fray did all they could to break that rule on Monday night in New Orleans, as they performed the Star-Spangled Banner prior to the national championship between Kentucky and Kansas.

Among the highlights were:

The Fray Tries to Ruin National Championship With Awful Version of National Anthem (Video)
See this man? He’s the drummer. This is the most interested he looked for the entire two-minute rendition. Also, he looks like the little drummer boy. He’s a professional musician, and his job was to bang a drum every now and then and play the tambourine. Seriously.

The Fray Tries to Ruin National Championship With Awful Version of National Anthem (Video)
This is not Pauly Shore. It just looks like it’s Pauly Shore.

The Fray Tries to Ruin National Championship With Awful Version of National Anthem (Video)

“Hey! Hey! I wanna sing!” –The guy who looks like Pauly Shore

Photo of the Day

Rock, chalk, sad Jayhawk

The Fray Tries to Ruin National Championship With Awful Version of National Anthem (Video)

Quote of the Day

“I just consider the source when I hear stuff like that.”
–Bobby Valentine in response to Curt Schilling’s latest comments.

Tweet of the Day



Video of the Day


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