Marcus Vick Now ‘Sorry’ About Giant Mess He Caused Brother Michael Vick

The ongoing saga of Michael Vick and what his future holds in Philadelphia got more complicated this week when Marcus Vick decided to spend the extent of Monday Night Football tweeting a defense of his brother and saying he wanted to be traded.

Marcus Vick’s entertaining rant, which put the blame on just about everybody but his older brother, led to Michael Vick later apologizing for his younger brother’s outburst. He said he did not, in fact, want to be traded, and he noted that the tweets were “something that I’m really going to have to address.”

One can only speculate how Michael Vick planned to “address” the situation, but it sounds like someone told Marcus Vick he was out of line. The younger Vick was back on Twitter on Tuesday morning, apologizing for the whole situation.

And by “watching as his blood,” Marcus Vick was hopefully referring to his family connection, not seeing his tweet get cut off before he went on to say something like, “watching as his blood … seeps all over the ground because the Eagles aren’t protecting him and should trade him!!!”

Marcus Vick appears to have learned his lesson, although it’s worth wondering what part Michael Vick may have had in spurring the apology.