TBS Developing TV Show ‘Cheeseheads’ to Feature Packers Fans Who Are ‘Loud, Proud and With Lots of Beer’

Stereotypes often make good reality TV, so TBS doesn’t want to miss the boat on this one.

The network is developing a new show, tentatively called Cheeseheads, that will focus on Green Bay Packers fans, according to realscreen.com.

“[The show] will take viewers into the hilarious subculture through the eyes of a group of proud Wisconsinites as they navigate life in the only way they know how — loud, proud and with lots of beer,” according to the TBS show description.

The release also noted that Packers fans “eat victory for breakfast.”

Green Bay fans hoping to be part of the show are out of luck — the casting call was held in December — but perhaps they can watch the reruns while they’re eating brats and cheese, along with victory, for breakfast. Because that’s what they do in Wisconsin!