Report: Ex-MTV VJ Kennedy Says Michael Jordan Tried to Take Her Virginity After Game of Dice

Michael Jordan has long been known for his gambling habit, but is it possible he once used a woman’s virginity as a wager? That’s exactly what a former MTV VJ is saying.

Lisa Kennedy Montgomery, known as simply Kennedy, is soon to be releasing a book entitled The Kennedy Chronicles: The Golden Age of MTV Through Rose Colored Glasses. In the book, Kennedy, a star in the mid ’90s, relates a story about hanging out with Jordan and Russell Simmons at the Bowery Ballroom in New York City in 1995.

According to Kennedy’s account, as described by TMZ, Jordan soon brought out a set of dice. Before long, Jordan said that it was “time to play for something,” saying “if I win, you come back to my hotel room with me tonight.”

Some of the details of the rest of the story are a bit graphic, but Kennedy was a virgin at the time, and thus asked to play for Knicks tickets instead. Jordan’s reply was to offer Nets tickets as a prize.

For the record, Kennedy says she won the dice game, anyway.

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