Jets Give Players Cards Telling Them How to Answer Media With List of Cliches, Evasions (Photos)

This may have been expected coming from the New England Patriots and Bill Belichick. But the Jets?

The Jets have handed out laminated cards to their players, with each side full of handy phrases for when players need to chit-chat with reporters. The purpose of the “media bridge” cards is obscure — do the Jets really think players need help with basic introductory or transition phrases, or are they trying to provide them with timely football clichés in case the players can’t evade giving lucid answers on their own?

The cards have an assortment of phrases, from regular conversation hedges all the way to giving players verbiage like, “I wouldn’t even try to take on the job of coaching, [but] what I can tell you is….” It sounds like the Jets may finally be trying to keep a tight lid on their famously leak-prone locker room.

Whatever the thinking may be, here’s a peek at what the Jets would prefer their players say.

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