Marlon Byrd Traded From Mets to Pirates on Marlon Byrd T-Shirt Night (Photo)

Even when the Mets make the right move, they can’t seem to get it exactly right.

Now far out of playoff contention, New York shipped Marlon Byrd and John Buck — both of whom will become free agents at the end of the season — to Pittsburgh on Tuesday in exchange for infield prospect Dilson Herrera and a player to be named later.

The trade appears to be a win for both teams, but a loss for the Mets’ marketing department.

See, the deal went down just hours before Tuesday’s home game against the Phillies — also known as Marlon Byrd T-shirt night at Citi Field. Fans buying specially designated tickets were to be given T-shirts bearing Byrd’s name and number upon entry to the ballpark, but the team will now allow those who purchased the special tickets to pick from five previously released shirts.

Who knows what will become of the Byrd tees, which is a shame, because they’re actually kind of cool. Check out the design in the photo below.

Photo via Twitter/@AndrewHarts

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