Ray Allen, Spike Lee, Denzel Washington Reunite For ‘He Got Game’ Photo-Op


May 13, 2014

Is the “He Got Game” sequel finally in the works?

Co-stars Ray Allen and Denzel Washington reunited with fimmaker Spike Lee for a quick photo-op before the Miami Heat took on the Brooklyn Nets in Game 4 of the NBA Eastern Conference semifinals on Monday, raising the hopes of sports movie buffs everywhere. Lee even rocked a “Jesus Shuttlesworth” jersey for the game.

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Rumors have swirled about the production of a sequel to the classic basketball movie, and Boston Celtics assistant coach Walter McCarty — who played one of Jesus Shuttlesworth’s teammates in the original film — said in January that he was “in” for a sequel.

The Associated Press reported in January that Allen and Lee were in the process of trying to lure Washington into the sequel project.

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