Jimmy Kimmel Offers $100 To Anyone Who Can Correctly Spell Dwyane Wade (Video)

It doesn’t matter how much money is on the line, the general public simply cannot spell Dwyane Wade’s name correctly.

Last month, a Wall Street Journal report found that the Miami Heat star’s name is the most misspelled in sports, as it is spelled incorrectly in 4.3 percent of the stories written about him. That tricky “y” has been known to throw off journalists, but Jimmy Kimmel took to the streets to see if it gave just as much trouble to pedestrians in Hollywood.

Spoiler alert: it does.

Kimmel offered $100 to anyone who could nail the spelling of Wade’s full name, and while many tried, almost everyone failed — including a couple people who got tripped up over “Wade.”

But there were a couple of youngsters who earned the cash, and it wasn’t because they were Heat super fans. Co-champions of the 2014 Scripps National Spelling Bee Ansun Sujoe and Sriram Hathwar came in clutch with their skills and flawlessly rattled off Wade’s name, after asking for a definition and the language of origin, of course.

Check out the spelling struggles in the video below.