Blake Griffin Compares Donald Sterling To ‘A Weird Uncle,’ Shares Stories

Los Angeles Clippers superstar Blake Griffin became the latest athlete to pen a piece for Derek Jeter’s new website, The Players’ Tribune, and it was a doozy.

Griffin opened up about his strange first encounter with Donald Sterling, what was going through his head when audio of the former Clippers owner’s racist comments — which eventually led to the NBA handing him a lifetime ban — was leaked, as well as his first impressions of new team owner Steve Ballmer.

From being led around by Sterling as a 20-year-old rookie at the owner’s famous White Party in Malibu to Googling his name after being drafted by Los Angeles with the No. 1 overall pick in 2009 and seeing “Donald Sterling is a racist” pop up as the first hit, Griffin recalls many awkward and uncomfortable moments with the disgraced former owner.

But Steve Ballmer’s $2 billion purchase of the team finally put an end to the Sterling saga, and while the media has had some fun with the former Microsoft executive’s enthusiasm and antics, Griffin couldn’t be happier with the new leadership.

“It’s little bit ironic to me that the media has tried to turn Ballmer into a meme when they turned a blind eye to Sterling for years,” Griffin wrote. “Steve is a good dude. He’s like a cool dad who gives you candy. Donald was like a weird uncle.”

Griffin noted the stark differences between Ballmer and Sterling, writing that the “entire vibe is different” within the organization, from top to bottom. Griffin closed the piece with one powerful quote on Sterling’s exit.

“Someone asked me the other day if I’m mad that he made out with $2 billion for selling the team. Maybe a little bit. But in the end, I’m just happy he’s gone. I think about him pulling me around the White Party in Malibu, and a saying comes to mind: ‘Some people are so poor, all they have is their money.’ ”

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Photo via Jamie Valdez/USA TODAY Sports Images