Deadspin Writer Implores Chicago Not To Become Like Boston After Cubs’ Win

Boston sports fans, we need to talk.

Many people outside of New England aren’t exactly big fans of your teams, and it’s probably best to accept it and relish the fact that they want to see you lose on the big stage, although you usually get the last laugh since you have nine titles since 2001.

Now that we’ve settled that, it should be easier to understand why a certain column was posted on Deadspin on Friday.

The Chicago Cubs ended their 108-year championship drought by winning the World Series in a thrilling victory over the Cleveland Indians on Wednesday, and Boston fans know exactly how they feel since the Red Sox busted their own 86-year dry spell by winning the 2004 World Series.

So, what are Cubs fans to do once the celebrating ends? Well, Deadspin’s Hamilton Nolan hopes they won’t do one very specific thing: become like Boston.

“Do you remember what happened when the Boston Red Sox won the World Series? It established Bill Simmons as a nationally known figure. Is that what we have to look forward to — an increasingly unbearable procession of vanity projects anchored in the superfandom of a team that white people like? Shall we now expect an Affleck-esque tidal wave of artistic mediocrity from one of your many indistinguishable ‘hometown boys?’

“No thank you.

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“A city must ultimately choose one of two paths. You can be like Boston, and boast endlessly about all of your unimpressive accomplishments in a thinly veiled approval-seeking exercise rooted in a deep-seated inferiority complex; or you can be like New York City, where any sports title is immediately forgotten because we’ve already moved on to talking about new restaurants. That’s why New York is the synonym for “metropolis” and Boston is, at its core, a small town full of bitter New England p—-.

“But in truth, there is no curse more regrettable than becoming the Boston of the Midwest.”

Welp. It sure seems someone isn’t a Boston fan.

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