When Designing Digital Cars, iRacing Makes Sure To Crank Up The Volume

When fans leave real tracks, the things that often stick with them the most are the sounds — all of them. The sounds of engines, metals, tires and environments all contribute equally to the racing experience.

This fact isn’t lost on iRacing which, when it comes to developing digital cars and race tracks, makes sure what goes into your ears is just as realistic as what goes into your eyes.

But it’s not as simple as opening audio production software and sifting through sound effects. Rather, it’s more like treating cars and races as concerts, then pulling together all the pieces into a live album.

NESN Fuel’s Rachel Holt recently sat down with Kevin Iannarelli, associate producer for iRacing, to talk about how the sim comes to sound so much like real world.

Rigging cars and tracks with so many microphones sounds pretty exhausting, but it’s just another example of iRacing leaving no stone unturned.