Red Wings Condemn Use Of Their Logo At Charlottesville Rally

The Detroit Red Wings want nothing to do with white nationalism or the so-called alt-right.

The NHL team condemned a white nationalist group’s use of its logo Saturday at the “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville, Va. The Red Wings issued a statement that day, making their stance clear and threatening legal action.

A Michigan-based white nationalist group called the Detroit Right Wings has adopted the Red Wings’ logo, albeit with slight alterations, according to CNN.

“The only difference between the Red Wings and Right Wings logos?” CNN’s Paul P. Murphy wrote Saturday. “The spokes of the tire that is the center of the logo: the Right Wings logo has them resembling the lightning bolts of the Schutzstaffel — Hitler’s SS force.”

Some of their members attended the Charlottesville rally, The Associated Press reported Saturday, citing the Right Wings’ twitter account.

The NHL has backed the Red Wings’ condemnation of the use of their logo.

“This specific use is particularly offensive because it runs counter to the inclusiveness that our league values and champions,” NHL deputy commissioner Bill Daly told The Associated Press via email, according to ESPN. “We will take immediate and all necessary steps to (ensure) the use is discontinued as promptly as possible, and will vigorously pursue other remedies, as appropriate.”

The rally soon turned violent as attendees and protestors clashed. One person was killed and at least 26 injured when a car ran into a group of protestors.

Thumbnail photo via Mykal McEldowney/IndyStar via USA TODAY Network