Could Red Sox Bring Back Bullpen Carts In 2019? Team ‘Evaluating’ Idea

And you thought Thursday was a wild ride in the Boston Red Sox bullpen.

The Red Sox are considering bringing back bullpen carts, according to team president Sam Kennedy, who told WEEI’s Rob Bradford the club is “evaluating” the idea of using the vehicles in 2019.

Custom carts that would transport major league relievers from the bullpen to the pitcher’s mound were all the rage back in the 1960s, ’70s and ’80s. The Arizona Diamondbacks and Detroit Tigers both announced they’ll use the carts this season to capture that nostalgia, but so far, we haven’t seen a cart in action: D’Backs closer Archie Bradley declined to use the cart Thursday during Arizona’s season opener, explaining there’s still a “special feeling” about running out to the mound.

While Bradley didn’t rule out using the cart at some point, the Red Sox and other teams likely will see how things play out this season before making their own decisions.

Still, Kennedy recently admitted he has “fond memories” of the Sox using a bullpen cart at Fenway Park during the 1970s and ’80s and told the Boston Herald’s Steve Buckley he’s “open-minded” about the team bringing the cart back.

It appears we’ll have to wait until at least next year to find out, though.