Eric Bledsoe Still Is Unaware Of Terry Rozier’s Existence, It Appears

Terry Rozier is to Eric Bledsoe as Voldemort is to Harry Potter’s friends. Or so it seems.

The Milwaukee Bucks guard raised plenty of eyebrows Tuesday night with his call-out of Rozier — “I don’t even know who the f— that is” — after the Boston Celtics won Game 2 to take a 2-0 lead in the teams’ first-round playoff series.

Naturally, Bledsoe was asked about Rozier again Thursday at Milwaukee’s practice. And he still refused to mention He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named.

Translation: Bledsoe still isn’t interested in giving Rozier the time of day.

The Celtics guard took a different approach Thursday, downplaying any beef between the two and admitting he erred by calling Bledsoe “Drew” after Game 1, which could be what ticked off the Bucks guard in the first place.

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Name-calling (or lack thereof) aside, Bledsoe and his club have plenty of work to do — the Bucks face a virtual must-win situation Friday night in Milwaukee, and they’ll need the 28-year-old to give them more than the 10.5 points and three turnovers he’s averaged so far in this series.