Bill Belichick Deserves ESPN’s Rating Of His Job Security As Patriots Coach

Bill Belichick basically can keep his job as long as he wants it.

ESPN’s Mike Reiss on Wednesday assessed the New England Patriots head coach’s job security in 2019 as air-tight. Considering Belichick has led the Patriots to a record six Super Bowl titles as head coach and the team is 10-2 this season, he thoroughly deserves the glowing rating Reiss gave him.

“After 20 years as Patriots coach, Belichick has basically purchased his seat as if it were a personal seat license at Gillette Stadium,” Reiss wrote. “Better yet, call it his throne.”

There’s no chance the Patriots and Belichick will part ways before the end of the season, and the probability of anyone else running the team in 2020 is just slightly above zero percent.

Belichick, 67, recently indicated he’s willing to reconsider coaching into his 70s. If he chooses to do so, ESPN can go ahead and rate his job security in New England as “untouchable” for the years to come.