Celtics’ Tacko Fall To Conduct Boston Pops On Monday At Holiday Concert

Don’t be surprised if Tacko Fall is in his element at Boston Symphony Hall.

The Boston Celtics center will be a guest conductor during the Boston Pops’ annual holiday concert Monday at Boston Symphony Hall, according to CBS Boston. Fall will conduct the Pops’ rendition of “Sleigh Ride” at Holiday Pops 2019.

The 7-foot-5 rookie assured The Boston Globe’s Stan Grossfeld earlier this month the magnitude of the occasion won’t faze him.

“I’m shy but I’m not afraid to do it,” Fall said. “I love music.”

Fall has become a certified cult hero in Boston since he joined the team as an undrafted free agent in June, with legions of fans cheering his every move. “Tackomania” reached fever pitch this weekend when he played his first games at TD Garden.

If symphony goers welcome Fall anything like Celtics fans did, he should feel right at home.