Twitter Had Plenty Of Jokes About Dodgers, Braves Having Will Smith On Their Team

Safe to say Will Smith won that battle

It’s not every day a team features a player with the same name. But that happened Friday night.

The Atlanta Braves had pitcher Will Smith on the mound in the sixth inning of Game 5 of the National League Championships. The Los Angeles Dodgers, meanwhile, had catcher Will Smith at the plate with two men on and his team down 2-1.

And it was catcher Will Smith who came away victorious with a three-run blast to give the Dodgers the 4-2 lead.

Naturally, Twitter enjoyed the duo having the same name.

It also was the first time a pitcher and batter faced off against one another with the same name.

So, that’s pretty neat.

L.A. must win in order to keep its postseason hopes alive.