Scott Boras Has Very Interesting Analogy For Jackie Bradley Jr.

'He’s sweet, smooth, and spreads it all over and covers it well'

Jackie Bradley Jr. is one of the more popular names on the free agent market this winter.

The center fielder has spent his first eight seasons of his Major League Baseball career with the Boston Red Sox, but could be headed elsewhere for the first time.

It’s still possible the 30-year-old re-signs with Boston, as it was indicated Bradley is on the Red Sox’s radar.

Fans know exactly what he’s capable of in the outfield. Bradley has made a slew of highlight-reel catches over the course of his career.

And his agent, Scott Boras, had a, shall we say interesting, analogy to describe Bradley.

“JBJ is kind of the PBJ of the major leagues. He’s sweet, smooth, and spreads it all over and covers it well,” Boras said, via The Boston Globe’s Alex Speier. “What Jackie does in a defensive runs-saved environment has been popular.”

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We told you it was interesting.

Still, Boras isn’t wrong. Bradley sure knows how to cover a lot of ground quickly, and it’s robbed his opponents of extra bases and home runs several times.

And teams have taken notice.

“When you have a world champion, someone who has done what Jackie’s done, being as young as he is, being as efficient as he is, as great of a teammate as he’s been, he’s received a lot of attention and we expect something very grand here going forward,” Boras said.

And now we wait and see what that “very grand” something turns out to be.