Fan Tumbles Over Railing Trying To Catch Matt Olson Home Run At Derby

Thankfully he did not suffer any serious injuries

One fan put his body on the line to catch a ball off the bat of Matt Olson in the first round of Monday’s Home Run Derby.

Olson drilled the baseball to center and the fan reached just a little too far, went over the railing and fell to the ground. Thankfully, he is fine and wasn’t injured in the fall.

Check out the tumble:

The effort is admirable.

MLB on FOX found the man in the stands afterward and allowed him to walk us through the moment.

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“So, Matt Olson hit a home run, and it was coming right through here,” he said. “And I got up and tried to go over the railing to get it, and I dove and I went over the railing, and kind of just scraped up my elbow a little bit just trying to get the ball.”

So, did get it?

“Never ended up getting it.”


The good news, though? (Besides him escaping serious injury.) There are plenty of home runs left to be hit after a thrilling first round.