Matthew Stafford’s Wife Apologizes For Throwing Pretzel At 49ers Fan

'I'm an idiot'

Matthew Stafford may not have had his best passing night in Week 10 against the San Francisco 49ers, but his wife was pretty accurate.

Kelly Stafford was in attendance at Levi Stadium, and according to one fan who called her out on instagram, threw a soft pretzel at a man behind her in the stands.

Kelly Stafford responded to the comment Wednesday to apologize for her retaliation.

“I’m an idiot,” Kelly Stafford admitted. “He was saying a bunch of things that were aggressive towards our crew but zero excuse. I tried to apologize, but in the end knew I was wrong. Will always stand up for my guy and everyone I love, but obviously needed to do it completely different! I’m embarrassed too! Sorry you had to witness me in my weak moment.”

To be fair, we can’t imagine the soft pretzel actually hurt anyone, and we all know how unruly fans can get towards the family members of athletes.

And honestly, the fan calling her out for it seems like they need to relax.

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“Who do you think you are to do such a thing?” the fan’s comment said, via TMZ. “You are lucky you didn’t hit me with it because the outcome would have been different for YOU.”

That seems a little more threatening than throwing a soft pretzel, but it’s fine. Everyone just act like you’ve been in public before, please.