Antonio Brown Calls Out Tom Brady, Bruce Arians On Instagram

AB's ire toward the Bucs hasn't diminished

If you thought Antonio Brown had moved on from his feud with the Buccaneers, think again.

Brown took a multi-faceted shot at his former team Monday afternoon via his Instagram story. The wide receiver shared a photo of what’s believed to be an X-ray of his injured ankle and called out Tom Brady, Bruce Arians and the NFL as a whole.

“They tried to hurt me intentionally @buccaneers” Brown captioned the post. “Sent me out there after knowing I was hurt. Tom said he would throw it if I came to play hurt I came. He didn’t throw it, imagine being hurt having to play through this and being lied to. Coach said if I couldn’t run on this to get the (expletive) out of there. (Expletive) all you (expletive). Still can’t stop me @NFL.”

A post of this nature isn’t out of the ordinary for Brown, but it’s a bit surprising to see him take a dig a Brady. AB had softened his stance on the quarterback ever since his meltdown in the Meadowlands, even saying he’s “forever grateful” for everything Brady did to help his career.