This Portion Of Tom Brady Induction Speech Will Give Football Fans Chills

'But understand this: Life is hard'

FOXBORO, Mass. — Tom Brady covered it all during his Patriots Hall of Fame induction speech at Gillette Stadium on Wednesday night.

But in addition to sharing his gratitude to family and friends, coaches and teammates, the New England Patriots organization and so much more, Brady delivered a passionate moment to football fans and young players growing in the game.

“I would encourage everyone to play football for the simple reason that it is hard,” Brady said. “It’s hard when you’re young to wake up in the offseason at 6 a.m. to go train and workout, knowing that all your friends are sleeping in and eating pancakes. It’s hard when you’re on your way to practice, weighed down with all your gear and its 90 degrees out and all the other kids are at the pool or at the beach, and your body is already completely exhausted from workouts and two-a-days.

“It’s hard to throw, catch, block and tackle, and hit kids when they’re way bigger and way more developed than you. Only to go home that night bruised and battered and strained, but knowing you have to show up again the next day for just the chance to try again.

“But understand this: Life is hard.”

You can listen to the portion of the speech here:

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Brady was able to accomplish everything he did because of his relentless competitiveness and the drive to succeed. The seven-time Super Bowl champion, who won six titles in his two decades in New England and was well-deserving of the unprecedented celebration, is hoping to be able to pass that on to the next generation.