NBA Odds: Celtics’ Jayson Tatum Among NBA Skills Challenge Favorites

Jayson Tatum is among the betting favorites to shine his skills brightest.

DraftKings Sportsbook on Thursday set the Boston Celtics forward’s odds of winning the 2020 NBA Skills Challenge at +500.

Tatum’s Skills Challenge lines are tied for second-best in a tight field, which the Brooklyn Nets’ Spencer Dinwiddie and the Milwaukee Bucks’ Khris Middleton lead as favorites at +450.

The odds of the Los Angeles Clippers’ Patrick Beverley and the Toronto Raptors’ Pascal Siakam winning Saturday’s competition are slightly worse at +600.

Tatum boldly vowed Thursday to defend the Skills Challenge title he won last year.

This year’s Skills Challenge will take place Saturday in Chicago during NBA All-Star Weekend. Tatum will compete in his first NBA All-Star Game on Sunday.