It was nearly impossible to not take extreme pleasure in the New Orleans Hornets razor-thin victory over the Miami Heat on Friday night.
In fact, it's hard to not enjoy every single loss by LeBron James and the Miami Heat.
Some have reacted to his recent "Rise" ad positively — lauding it as a spot on defense of his "Decision."
Most, however, have viewed it as petulant whining that has done nothing but reinforced the fact that he is an out-of-touch egomaniac. Accordingly, just about everybody has made their own version.
South Park's recent Mysterion Rises episode took aim at King James, as did ESPN's Michelle Beadle.
The nastiest video rebuttal, however, came from fans in his old home, Cleveland.
Check out what they had to say in response to James' question "What should I do?"
Photo of the day
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Quote of the day
"I'm not crazy enough to think there won't be catcalls."
–Brad Childress, on being Brad Childress
Comment of the day
This may or may not cause a players' strike.
"Ballplayers should be paid minimum wage so we could afford to go to ballgames."
Video of the day
Apparently, two for six is all Alex Rodriguez needed to win $10,000 for the Boys and Girls Club.