Champion Boxer Deontay Wilder Beats Up Internet Troll In Real Life (Video)


May 12, 2014

Boxer Deontay Wilder must believe in a little thing called “karma.” The undefeated heavyweight champion recently beat up a man who had been harassing him online for years, according to TMZ.

Charlie Zelenoff had been trolling Wilder for years with harrassing phone calls and personal jabs on social media. Wilder said Zelenoff used racial slurs toward him and made disparaging comments about Wilder’s daughter, who suffers from spina bifada.

Zelenoff recently challenged Wilder to a fight at the Hollywood Boxing Gym in Los Angeles, and Wilder decided to meet him there Wednesday night. Wilder tried to fight Zelenoff in the ring, but the real-life Internet troll threw a cheap shot and bolted for the door.

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When Zelenoff returned, the two squared off on the main floor of the gym, where Wilder promptly beat the daylights out of Zelenoff.

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Zelenoff eventually ran from the building after declaring, “I’m the best. I’m still the best.” TMZ caught up with Zelenoff after the fight, and he maintains that Wilder “got lucky.”

“I was caught off-guard,” Zelenoff said. “He just got lucky.”

Zelenoff said he wants a rematch  to prove the knockout was a fluke, but Wilder says he won’t fight Zelenoff a second time.

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