Glasses Stolen Off Tiger Broadcaster Ernie Harwell’s Statue at Comerica Park

The glasses on the statue commemorating longtime Tigers broadcaster Ernie Harwell have been stolen, according to the Detroit News (via

Apparently a thief pried them off the bronze statue outside of Comerica Park with a crowbar and the team plans to replace the glasses with a new pair before Thursday's game between the Tigers and Orioles.

"We're going to attach them as strongly as possible," says Omri Amrany, the artist who oversaw the statue's creation. "But if somebody has a crowbar and a little persuasion, you cannot keep the glasses on anybody. Anything that can break a car can break a statue."

The Tigers organization reportedly noticed the glasses were missing sometime in July and are hoping that fans will respect Harwell's reputation and refrain from nabbing the next pair.

"Fans go a little overboard," Tigers spokesman Ron Colangelo states in the article. "We hope the public will appreciate [the statue] enough to just admire it."