Report: ‘Victim One’ of Sexual Abuse Allegations Against Jerry Sandusky Leaves School Due to Bullying Over Scandal

The first known victim of the alleged sexual abuse by former Penn State assistant football coach Jerry Sandusky had to leave his school because of bullying, according to a report.

Students at Central Mountain High School in Clinton County, Pa., were blaming the 17-year-old for head coach Joe Paterno's firing, Mike Gillum, counselor of the boy known as "Victim One," told The Patriot-News on Sunday. The senior was called names and received verbal threats, the psychologist said, and school officials were not providing guidance for fellow students.

Gillum said the student has taken encouragement in the fact that other alleged victims have come forward, The Patriot-News reports.

"He feels good about that," Gillum told the newspaper. "That's the one good that's come of all this."