Steubenville Football Coach Reno Saccoccia Given Two-Year ‘Administrative Contract’ at School

While he remains a key figure in a grand jury investigation into the Steubenville High School rape case, Big Red head football coach Reno Saccoccia has been given a vote of confidence by his school board. Saccoccia has been given a two-year “administrative contract” with the school by the Steubenville school board, reports The Atlantic Wire.

The position is a “board approved two-year-administrative contract in his current position,” said schools superintendent Mike McVey. “Coaching contracts are different from teaching and administrative contracts.”

McVey stressed that the secondary title was “supplemental” to Saccoccia’s role as head football coach, and doesn’t affect his contract status. According to local TV outlet WTOV, Saccocia is in year three of five of his contract in that position.

Calls have come in from around the nation to fire Saccoccia in the wake of the trial that sent two of his former players to juvenile detention. Evidence in the form of text messages which came out during the trial suggest Saccoccia may well have known about the rape without alerting authorities, which is a crime for a school employee in Ohio.

A grand jury will convene on April 30 to determine if any additional charges should be filed against Saccoccia or anyone else connected to the rape.

Photo via Facebook/Steubenville High School