Brent Burns Losing Mountain-Man Look for Charity, Will Get Buzz Cut and Shave to Raise Money for Two Foundations

The San Jose Sharks are losing one grizzly-looking forward, and getting a clean-shaven one in return.

Brent Burns has announced that he will lose the caveman look this season for a good cause — a couple of good causes, actually. According to the Sharks, on Nov. 1, Burns will ditch his shaggy hair and unkempt beard to raise money for Defending the Blue Line, a charity that provides hockey equipment and other services to children in military families, and the Katie Moore Foundation, an organization that funds research to advance cancer care and helps families dealing with rare diseases.

On that fateful date in November, the Sharks will host “Burnzie’s Buzzcut for Charity,” and from now until Oct. 31, the Sharks Foundation will be accepting donations for the two non-profits. The three donors who raise the most money will even get a chance to witness the shaving in person, which will be done by one of Burns’ teammates.

“I’m sure there will be a long line of guys wanting to cut my hair,” Burns said with a laugh. “With this disaster on my face, I figured that maybe some good can come from it and we can help a couple of deserving causes.

Photo via Twitter/@Russostrib