Koji Uehara Really Excited to Hug Clay Buchholz After Red Sox’ Game 4 Win in St. Louis (Video)


Oct 28, 2013

Koji Uehara is an excitable man, as evidenced by his love for the high-five, which has been documented over and over again this season.

The Red Sox closer has taken his celebratory ways to a new level now that the club is in the World Series. After picking off Kolten Wong to end Boston’s Game 4 win to even the World Series on Sunday night, Uehara’s celebration was far from subdued.

He and Mike Napoli shared a jacked-up high-five, and Uehara was also picked up and hugged by David Ortiz, which is now another post-win custom. The celebration didn’t end on the field. As the Sox exited the diamond and retreated to the dugout, Uehara found Clay Buchholz and the rest of the night’s pitchers waiting. Uehara, still all kinds of pumped up after the win, met Buchholz with a monster bear hug.

Check below to check out the video.

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