Florida Atlantic University head football coach Carl Pelini resigned from his position on Wednesday after allegations that he attended a party where marijuana was present, but more details surrounding his resignation have surfaced.
The folks over at SB Nation filed a Freedom of Information Act Request to get their hands on documents giving the exact reason for Pelini’s resignation, and it turns out that the coach allegedly used both marijuana and cocaine during his time with FAU.
According to the documents, a man named Matt Edwards and a woman named Allison Stewart both say that they witnessed Pelini’s drug use firsthand. Edwards says that he saw Pelini use marijuana in Key West in October, and says he has “personally seen Carl Pelini use both marijuana and cocaine” within the 12 months prior to when the head coach made a statement regarding the issue.
Check out all the documents related to the case over at SB Nation.
Pelini took the helm at FAU in 2011 and left with a 5-15 record.