Life’s been good to Boston sports fans recently.
As for New Yorkers? Not so much. And the Wall Street Journal echoed the city’s sports success (or lack thereof) in an epic mural that compliments a painfully honest piece by WSJ’s experts.
“With the Jets and Giants crashing and burning [respectively], the star-laden Knicks and Nets battling for the Atlantic Division cellar, the Mets and Yankees playoff refugees, and the three local hockey teams far from title contention, 2013 feels like the worst year in the history of metropolitan sports,” it reads. “But rest easy — it’s only the worst since 1966, if you take an average of the nine local teams’ latest winning percentages.”
The photo contains New York’s heavy hitters — from Eli Manning to Derek Jeter — sitting around a table, looking about as sad as sad could be.
Check it out below and look for it framed in your nearest Boston sports bar.
Photo via Twitter/WSJsports