This is precisely the kind of thing Rob Ford should be doing with his time.
The Toronto mayor has been under heat in recent weeks after admitting to smoking crack, and he’s also been the object of some chuckles for showing his sports enthusiasm in rather entertaining ways. So it makes sense that, rather than continuing to govern as he did before the rash of attention brought by his drug admission, he has now added a weekly radio spot talking about sports to his responsibilities.
As news of his radio appearances came out Wednesday, Ford got a little ahead of himself and offered his first hot sports take. It was, fittingly, on the name of Washington’s local football team — a situation that has been full of controversy but becomes a little less controversial when a crazy man starts talking and makes everyone realize that, yeah, ignorance is not so much bliss when it comes to the debate between misguided tradition and insulting tons of people.
“To me, that’s ridiculous,” Ford said of the Redskins possibly changing their name, according to the National Post. “What are we going to call the Cleveland Indians? The Cleveland Aboriginals? Where do we start? The Skins are the Skins, and I stick with the Washington Redskins.”
Ford’s chief of staff said the mayor’s first appearance would be Thursday morning, at 8:40, which is nice because it’s well before Ford normally gets to work.
Using crack, talking sports, not rolling into work until after 8:40 a.m. — any other volunteers for the Toronto mayor job?
Photo via Twitter/@sivault
Photo of the Day
Sounds like fun.
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Tweet of the Day
Yeah, no one’s watching this game.
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Video of the Day
Pretty good shot. Just pretty good.