Joel Peralta’s Sandwich Mishap, Jake Peavy’s Cut Among Most Bizarre Spring Training Injuries (Photos)

Spring training injuries are simply a part of baseball, as guys come into camp a little rusty and need some time to dust off the cobwebs. But sometimes these injuries extend past the standard sprained ankle or sore arm and move into the totally weird and bizarre.

There’s something about the first few days of February and March that brings out the most peculiar incidents that can sideline a player for a few days or even a few weeks. This year’s spring has been no different, with Jake Peavy almost slicing his finger off in a fishing knife accident and Los Angeles Angels infielder Ian Stewart forced to sit after his daughter hit him in the nose while they were playing.

These strange occurrences certainly have earned their place in the unusual spring training injuries conversation, but they have some stiff competition with scorpion bites, a dangerous toweling off experience and a tricky glass door.

The spring is young, and more odd injuries are inevitable, but in the meantime, hold yourself over with some of the weirdest events to ever come out of spring training.

Click here for the Top 10 bizarre spring training injuries >>